Thursday, June 9, 2011

Jume 09, 2011

Why is "love" a good subject for songs, but a bad topic for discussion? The Dalai Lama keeps talking about "love"; but is anyone paying attention? I suggest we all pay more attention to the Dalai Lama, this time around, actually reading his books and listening to what he has to say this time. (note to myself.)

Bob Dylan, too has made claims of love -- that "it makes the world go 'round." That line comes from the "Nashville Skyline" LP. No shit.

Other cultures, like Spanish cultures, talk about love all the time, and in everyday life. I really believe that other cultures do, but not in the Anglo-American world, except, that is to say, in the sanctified university circles, where they just dither about how to define the word, that's all.

Then, also persons try to squash it underfoot. Yeah, they really do. They will do that to love. And when they find that "love" is just a crumpled candy wrapper -- once-colorful -- they laugh, the bastards.

And Paul tried to register his point of view when he said he has not yet "had enough of silly love songs."  So he sings.

But, Mr. McCartney, you should come to the point.  Love isn't silly. Love isn't silly at all!!!! (♪)

Yet another wag: Love "Is Just a Four-Letter Word." Another song. This has little to do with my discussion of "love" as a topic for serious discussion, but I got off track. Music is about four tracks and eight tracks and sixteen tracks after all, and that song is what came to my mind.

I wonder: who wrote that?

(hint): see comments section!

1 comment:

  1. Dylan never recorded "Love Is Just..." according to the ever-reliable internet. It's kind of a funny little song, like "when I Paint my Masterpiece," or that one insulting his friends which is "Positively Forth Street," and that was only on a single.

    A great artist has "mistakes" like that...really.

    One's sureness of oneself is not something fabricated. It is really there, and, for that very reason, it could be distorted when applied to one's chosen art form.
