Just in, some real gems from the BBC. I have packaged them for you in these {""} marks:
"The Pentagon said in a media briefing that the killings, in the early hours of Sunday, were "tragic" but insisted it was an isolated incident."
Oh. Where'd the New York newspaper's "long seething public outrage" go? The NY paper did not say it was "isolated." I guess NY and London must redact ideology differently. Hey, I think that the blokes in England are being nice to us!
"Officials have offered no explanation for the incident, but reports suggest the soldier might have been drunk..." I understand the Russians had that problem in Afghanistan, too.
I'll bet you just can't wait for more from the BBC:
"A Pentagon spokesman, George Little, described the killings as tragic and deplorable. They come on the heels of two other episodes which have undermined the military's reputation in Afghanistan - photos showing US Marines urinating on the bodies of dead Taliban fighters, and the burning of Korans at the Bagram air base. Mr Little said it would be wrong to see the three incidents as part of any broader trend."
No broader trend. Funny how that reminds me of the words "isolated incident." I could be biased, however, since I have been know to read alternative newspapers like the "east village other." Which may be biasing me. Funny, too, how the NYT tries to tell the truth sometimes. But it is in a sort of a vanishing ink way and then afterwards you think maybe you have hallucinated it. It gets in but then it tends to "disappear" into some black hole right after you were pretty sure you did read something interesting. I already wrote about this once. I did not see anywhere on this BBC webpage any mention of what the N.Y.T. actually did mention, which is that there has been a longstanding gripe against London's buddies the U. S. military.
Maybe the NYT reporter was drunk.
Either that --- or white people lie.
No other way to say it mates.
Here's the words that come after "the soldier might have been drunk:" maybe drunk OR "...had suffered a nervous breakdown." Oh, I see, maties, it was the nerves. We have that phrase too, though. "Nervous Breakdown." He certainly may have had a nervous breakdown. So , methinks, That Answers That.
Well. That may well be. He may have had some drinks that night, or a bad case of the "nerverszzz," as we call it here, stateside.
Finally, remember that president Obama said this particular man was a particular man and not typical, or a typical man. He was, Obama, said, not representative. He was non-representatory of all of our excellent men and women. That was just the perfect time for Obama to emphasize, in sight of the world, that our soldiers are so excellent. I cannot get over the inappropriateness of that. It would bring up visions of shiny brass buttons and stuff like that. There are 16 people who will never hear Obama's important and presidential statement about how that guy was non-representative. Is it possible that he thinks of himself as reciting a statement that Afghans cannot read, or no one would ever translate it into Dari or Persian for them? I am getting a "nerves" attack myself, I think, from all this stuff.
And I am losing it. In fact I'm getting all emotional. Not a good sign. Not good at all.
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