Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I was looking at this conservative Blog, you see...

Here's a blogger blogging on capitalism.

I read someone today who said that Jesus must have been a socialist, because he didn’t seek profit, which is the hallmark of capitalism. Instead, gave away his time, energy and skills to those who could not pay. Since he didn’t have a profit motive, he must have been a capitalist. QED. It was a classic case of conflating socialism with generosity.

Socialism is, in fact, the opposite of generosity...

A capitalist gives away things free. I at first tried to email the person, whom I feel as a female. But, I notice I have to be "logged in" and it is a "word press.com" system I need to log into in order to communicate with this blogging entity. So, I reverted to here. I don't think mine restricts anyone like that --- as far as I know. (I checked. I want to enable this one. "Anyone: anybody in the whole wide world can leave comments" You aren't going to ask me whether I checked if I DID that, are you?!!!)

So, I am "communicating" to "bookworm room" but on my own bloggie thing. There is no "about" section that I could find. I do not know the author's gender. I "feel" a female. Is this getting wordy?

My view, which I have developed here and elsewhere, is that: Capitalism is a social institution, not a private one.

In the end, this blogger (gender unknown) gives "her" idea of what an ideal society would be like:

"...a humane state allowing humans to go about their business, and a social and moral structure that encourages those with the most to reach out, without state coercion, to help those with the least."

The author defines her ideal state. Nice. What makes it a humane state? Capitalism is our main structure, now in jeopardy. How do we create a "humane state"? Without modifying and correcting problems in capitalism?

Here is "her" full ending.

Jesus wasn’t a socialist. When he said “render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s and unto God that which is God’s,” he fully understood the separation between our spiritual and moral impulses on the one hand, and the dictates of a state on the other hand. Ideally, the people’s adherence to both Caesar and God is a mutually beneficially system, with a humane state allowing humans to go about their business, and a social and moral structure that encourages those with the most to reach out, without state coercion, to help those with the least.

Was he a capitalist, then?
Is capitalism part of the state?

I agree with the blogger in so far as government-administered sharing or state sharing is not the same thing as the "spiritual and moral", or private charity, which would be a kind of generosity based on personal choice. I also agree that this is an important distinction.

What, then, is "redistribution"? What is the difference between a malfunctioning capitalism and a healthy capitalism? What is it that even this blogger, in this very blog, calls "a healthy capitalist society"?

Here is that part:
in a healthy capitalist society, they have the moral impulse to give

This means that in a properly functioning i.e. healthy capitalist society, individuals will give on their own but this will take place, she says, privately because the government does not do charity work. I think maybe capitalism should do some giving, if not through taxes maybe some other way. Why should private individuals have to straighten it all out, when business is part of the problem? Even if I give charity I am not correcting problems created by the capitalistic system in the hands of a few corporations buying up everything from everybody. But for the blogger charity begins at home, and not within the government's domain. And yet, in a democracy, we are the government. Why should our policies only take place within society --- meaning the private or personal level. There is this big, massive entity called the economy. Why just ignore that?

This blog of hers implies that charity takes place privately, not publicly. OK. Where does capitalism take place, then? It take place publicly. So, if you want "less government," you want less capitalism because capitalism is like a kind of government. So...take some products from the production facility and use them in a separated, distinct way, according to some distinct plan, creating a two-part economy.

...I was looking at this conservative blog, you see, this one conservo blog with rather good thinking on capitalism, but, of course, not getting it as well as I do...

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