......=...............=..............=......."Mubarak in the news"
The other day I was getting profound. I wrote:
........................... ................Mubarak's behavior has been unimpressive.
I thought that would work as a policy statement, maybe for the State Dept., but that's history. I just saw him on television and he was great! His suite was very nicely pressed too. Frankly he looked pretty good. So what do I know? Everything just kind of changes you know. I created such a good statement about him being unimpressive. Then everything changes on me. That's the internet age for sure.
Based on my hearing Mubarak's words, from Cairo, Egypt Egypt seems like a pretty interesting country. What I heard from M. is, or seems, perhaps I should say, remarkable. Seems might be a better way to say it.
He switched sides. He also promised to totally punish those thugs who killed persons meaning they didn't act on his orders, which I find to be a relief; he said nice things about the demonstrators, and he promised to respond to the people's will. I mean I have rave reviews here just wantin' for you. I mean, it was a really good speech. Now he's on the side of the demonstrators! Awesome! (research the speech; don't listen to the T.V. commentators' opinions on it; they aren't Egyptian --- they know squat)
(And now a word from Thomas Hobbes): But he is still president you see and it is just that fact --- that he is still president (i.e. acc. to the speech I just heard) --- that gives him the right to switch sides. Awesome. Who should he turn the country over to? Nobody? According to what he said, he is now sorry for all the bad things he's done, he is now on the side of da people, and everyone should therefore leave him in power, as he's the fucking president Right? If only the stuff were true. But if it is...
What a freakin' cool country!!!
i loved the immediate switch-over part of it where you get two Mubarcks: one day he's one thing and the next day something totally else and just that this is good entertainment and psychosocially stimulating.
Hobbes was a champion of absolutism for the sovereign but he also developed some of the fundamentals of European liberal thought: the right of the individual; the natural equality of all men; the artificial character of the political order (which led to the later distinction between civil society and the state); the view that all legitimate political power must be "representative" and based on the consent of the people; and a liberal interpretation of law which leaves people free to do whatever the law does not explicitly forbid.[3]
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